3 high quality catalogue jobs were submitted and in all cases the performance superseded the last production runs on their Heidelberg equipment. The jobs were typical of the type of work The Taylor Bloxham Group have become renowned for with high quality imagery and finishing throughout. One brochure particularly stood out for featuring complex tab indexing.
The data on the jobs, taken from their LogoTronic Professional system showed job one, a Flooring Catalogue with multiple colours, was produced 16% faster than the previous year and two 4 colour process catalogues for high-end auction houses were produced 25% and 44% quicker than the last versions with average make ready times of 4 minutes.
The other impressive fact about two of the jobs produced is that they were printed to the strict specifications of the Professional Level of the BPIF Colour Quality Management Certification Scheme, verification that ultra fast production and the highest of quality can be easily achieved on the Rapida range of presses.
Taylor Bloxham became the first UK company to achieve the Professional Level of the scheme earlier this year. During his presentation for the trade press, Chris Bolton, Taylor Bloxham‘s Technical Colour Specialist described the process of hitting the required parameters for the standard as "Easy" and "a pleasure" due to the precise control of the press using ErgoTronic Colour Control and QualiTronic Colour Control. In accepting the award, Taylor Bloxham group CEO Robert Lockwood described how the 80 year old business has undergone significant changes with in the last 18 months and posted it’s highest ever turnover at the end of 2017. The business now encompasses four divisions (Taylor Bloxham, Fastant, Instore and Mailbox) with their own dedicated teams to promote each component of their business.Mr Lockwood stated: "The Rapida 106 was the latest step in a £4 million programme of investment in new equipment that enabled us to print higher volumes faster whilst simultaneously improving quality. The installation only took place in April and our clients, who include several prestigious brands, are already seeing and feeling the benefits of the new press."
Koenig and Bauer (UK) Sales Director Chris Scully stated “We are delighted to select Taylor Bloxham for our annual 1814 Production Excellence Award. The levels of performance across the three jobs selected were exceptional. Their name is synonymous with the highest of quality in print. However, this award also demonstrates that from job to job, regardless of the quality level required, our presses will deliver performance increases. He adds "We applaud the whole team at Taylor Bloxham for driving the press to the fantastic levels of performance they achieved and look forward to learning about further successes for their business."